Monday, March 2, 2009

Responsibility is the Key

I vowed that I would not feed into the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation however I can't stay silent any longer. This clearly was a case of domestic abuse that will forever haunt both individuals. My question is who else will this situation haunt? I can pretty much bet that many of the "fans" of both Chris Brown and Rihanna will be haunted as well. They will be haunted because they truly consider Chris Brown and Rihanna to be their role models. They consider them to be individuals to look up to.
Who should be blamed for this phenomenon? I say it is the media's responsibility to not only present balanced stories but to also present a balance of individuals as well. It is no secret that the media gives the people what they want but whatever happened to responsible journalism. An issue that is very serious has been glamorized. Have we become so desensitized that even the indiscretions of celebrities are looked at as exciting events?
I urge everyone who is a journalist to seriously examine yourself and what you believe in. As journalist it is imperative that we take more responsibility for what we put out and how it can affect others. As journalists we have got to become more resonsible and we must make sure that we are adhering to our various codes of ethics.
-Nicole Jackson


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nicole, I totally agree with you! For example, was it really necessary that Rihanna's bruised face was plastered all over the internet? Aren't journalist suppose to be sensitive when using photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief? The ethical decision would be to not run the photo, even though she's a public figure, she still deserves privacy.

    Travis Francis

  3. I think all celebrity hook ups are planned and staged. It’s like two well known brands merging together to make more of a profit. I feel sorry for Rihanna having to go through domestic abuse, but what about Chris Brown? As of my understanding from all of the gossip Chris Brown’s actions were caused by Rihanna telling him that she has herpes. Yes, there are pictures of the big red giant on her lip all over the Internet as well as pictures of her trying to hide it by covering it with scarves.
    Coming from a family of domestic abuse, Chris Brown may need some psychotherapy. I also heard, from a Hip-Hop news nerd, that they are back together and plan on working things out. I think Chris is trying to regain his credibility with his fans and everyone else who is against him in this situation. Until the truth comes out we can only pray that Rihanna gets well.

    -Armegan Anderson

  4. I agree with you Nicole. I think that journalists have a responsibility to the truth, but they should remain ethical in their behavior. It was unnecessary to publish that photo and what it came down to was the bottom line. The payday that that photographer recieved was probably an obsene amount of money for a picture, but money shouldn't be the only deciding factor when it comes to making decisions like that. Some things are just wrong and I thought that that was wrong. But hey, for some all that matters is the all-mighty dollar. This is America and capatalism is alive and well.

