Friday, February 20, 2009

A bill that will decide our politcal landscape

In his first weeks in office, President Obama has put together a stimulus package that is set to be a PR disaster for some, and a PR milestone for others--no matter whether the economy picks up or sinks further. After passing through the senate and the house of representatives with virtually no Republican support (only three republicans in the house of representatives supported the package), the implications of the package and its passage on congress and the white house are sure to be serious. On one hand, if the economy shapes up in the next year or so, Pres. Obama will be a hero, and the backlash against republicans who did not support the bill could be huge. On the flip side, if the economy continues downhill, the democrats may lose control of congress in the next set of elections. I'm sure that PR people for both sides have already prepared a crisis plan for both scenarios.

My question is, as a PR person for a republican who voted against the stimulus package, how would you advise the senator or Representative to save face? And on what about for the democrats or the president?
Mandla Deskins

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