Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Social Media Tools YOU Need to Know

Being a senior PR student, I personally love to know all the ways I can become more competitive as a PR practitioner. I want a good job with a good salary, as I’m sure you do too. In order to be competitive, we all need to be up to date with the different types of media that are evolving every day. With the world moving into an era where I believe traditional media will be obsolete, I looked up social media tools that PR graduates should be experts in before graduation.

Take a look…

• Blogging-This isn’t as simple was one would think. It does take some time to get a grasp on what you would talk about. First, you need research other blogs and observe them for a little bit. Secondly, you need to participate in someone else’s blog and then you should be good to start your own blog. A great place to check out some blogs is

• LinkedIn-Did you know over 30 millions professionals use this to exchange information, ideas and opportunities? Yeah, I didn’t either until I just visited the site. But I will tell you, I’m signing up on this as soon as I’m done blogging! (I will update you how I feel about it.)• Twitter-So…What are you doing? Well that’s what Twitter wants to know. Twitter is another social-networking site that allows users to send and receive user’s updates. Did you know that Obama allegedly Tweets? Hmm…

• YouTube-Now everyone knows how to view YouTube but did you know this is actually a great researching site and is not only a place to look up goofy videos or view our favorite music videos. I know when I interned last summer in New York City, I was assigned to do a project where I had to research companies and see what YouTube videos were posted on them and present them to a future client.

• Podcasting-This is a form of audio broadcasting on the Internet. For example, let’s say you live in New Jersey (like me!) and you really miss that morning show that you used to listen to all the time before you came to FAMU. Well great news! You can actually get the podcast of that station and put it on your I-pod. How exciting!

• Flickr-This is an online photo and video management site. I personally am not too familiar with Flickr but you can check it out at

• Facebook, MySpace (social networks) – Do I really need to go into explanation about these? Oh, and a little advice, you should invest in deleting all of those pictures you don’t want future employers to see.

• Wikipedia- An online encyclopedia. And guess what, you can create your own wiki. Go crazy kids!

• Google docs, chat, groups, etc.-These are just chat rooms and groups that you can participate in.

• RSS feeds and aggregators- If you’re in Dr. D’s class know that RSS means really simple syndication. (hint hint)

• Social bookmarking ( – “ is a social bookmarking service that allows users to tag, save, manage and share web pages from a centralized source.”- Another site I’m not too familiar with.

• Search engines including blog searches

• VoIP, such as Skype-This allows you to make calls from your computer to other people on Skype, landlines and cell phones.

Well if you made it all the way to the bottom, I appreciate you taking the time to learn how you can become more competitive as a PR practitioner.

Talk to you later!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think that you pretty well covered all the bases here Kiah; very thorough in deed. I really do think that the information that you included here will be helpful to any PR practitioner attempting to coordinate new technologies with older, more practiced, methodologies. So, overall I believe that your assessment of the internet and all of its promising uses in public relations is very informative and will help any PR practitioner stay competitive. Hope to hear more.

