Questions were recently raised when users of Facebook were curious about who controls the information shared on the social networking website, which now has 175 million users worldwide. Facebook discreetly updated its terms of use recently. After the update, tens of thousands of Facebook users joined groups protesting the new update fearing that Facebook now owned all of the user’s information. In an attempt to calm their users, Facebook greeted them with a sign-in message Wednesday morning stating they will be following their old terms of use policies. Facebook also stated it doesn’t claim to own your photos or any content on your site. The site created a group called “Facebook Bill of Rights and Responsibilities”, which was meant to let users share their input. Lastly, Facebook has issued an apology for any confusion that this might have caused.
So I pose one question to you, how do you feel about this situation?
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What NOT to do: Lesson 18... Mix Politics with Sports
So last week soccer officials from South Africa were set to host a peace
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15 years ago
I feel this situation is similar to the Sony-BMG hidden computer-crippling rights management (DRM) software put onto PCs of millions of music fans back in 2005. If you want to keep something a secret, then you don’t tell it. In Facebook’s case, the changed policies were not disclosed to its users, therefore making the new policies covert. Even if the policy change was not a “secret”, Facebook executives should has been more open with its members.
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ReplyDeleteI thought it was a big no-no to change your terms of service agreement without notifying your users? I don't think it's fair that Facebook can change the terms of services the original users didn't agree on.
ReplyDeleteTravis Francis